May 10, 2025

Ways to get involved! (
We are always looking for volunteers and donations to make the Penn Cove Water Festival a success! If you're interested in lending a hand, we have a variety of roles available, from event setup and take down, to race committee and everything inbetween. We also would love to have you get involved with the board and association. And if you're unable to volunteer, consider making a donation to help us cover the costs of the event. Every little bit helps! Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the festival.
Volunteer for this year!
The Penn Cove Water Festival couldn't happen without the help of Volunteers!
Click to sign up for a spot in the festival or send an email to pcwfvolunteer@gmail.com with the subject "Volunteer!"
Get Involved in the Association!
Want to be apart of the decisions? Join the association!
Send an email to penncovewaterfestival@gmail.com
See the Organization Chart that describes all the tasks leads needed to plan and execute the Festival.
Give the gift of Bread!
This event provides a unique opportunity for local residents to become involved by "extending a hand of friendship" to the Native guests. Following the custom of Native Americans and First Nations of Canada, who show hospitality to their visitors by presenting gifts, the community welcomes the participants through giving gifts of homemade bread.
Wow, we are thrilled that you are considering donating to the Penn Cove Water Festival! Your contribution will make a huge impact in our mission to provide a space to enjoy Native American canoe racing, entertainment, crafts and culture and by giving everyone a chance to learn about, appreciate, and protect the environment in which we all live. We can't thank you enough for your support and generosity.
To donate:
A 501 c 3 non-profit organization
Send your contribution to:
Penn Cove Water Festival
PO Box 393
Coupeville WA 98239